A New Wiki

Written by papertek on Apr 9th, 2024.

We are now officially official

Camellia has posted about the Wiki on the server and Twitter! He’s made it clear that this is now the official Wiki where you can find information about him, so we developers will try our best to ensure everything is cool.

Because of this announcement, we have been working on some cool things internally, such as a newer slicker wiki design, as well as an entire rewrite of the codebase.

Why are you rewriting?

What an EXCELLENT question! We are rewriting the site because the current codebase has become difficult to manage. In an older news post, I mentioned that the second wiki overhaul was to make things more modular and easier to use. While that has worked for a bit, the wiki is constantly growing (with over 300 articles already), and it will continue to grow since we now have some eyes on us.

Since things were getting more frustrating to fix (the breadcrumbs), we all agreed to switch to a framework called Vue. We will also implement other shenanigans and switch entirely off Jekyll (all of this will be documented later).

I’m not sure Jekyll was meant for wiki sites since Jekyll is tailored mostly towards blog posting and documentation. It works slowly as a result, and it’s also becoming unreliable.

To give you an example of what kind of monstrous code is in the codebase, look at how breadcrumb navigation works.

Snippet of the breadcrumb code

This code snippet is only for breadcrumbs like these.

Breadcrumbs in action

As you can see, it’s a headache. We want to avoid this in the future, so we hope the rewrite will make us more sane.

Has there been progress?

Yes! We have made some good progress. We already have some lovely designs to implement for the site and a private testing site where the new wiki is already taking shape!

Check out the latest homepage design!

New wiki homepage design

Look at what’s been implemented so far! So cool!!!

Private wiki testing site

We’ll update more on progress when things are usable! We will also consider eventually publicizing the repository for developers to play around with.

Stay tuned!


A notice for you
As we transition to the new Camellia Wiki, comments may display incorrectly here as the systems handling the data differ. We will ensure most data is transferred during migration. We encourage users to leave a comment on the new site. Posting new comments on this old site will be disabled once the new Camellia Wiki launches in beta.
Click here to view the new site.

Eventually, this site will be replaced. Click here to check out the new wiki!