Camellia Q&A

Written by shiosama on Nov 25th, 2023.


A Composer Q&A from Camellia

Note: Some answers have been modified to read more coherently.

Around August 2023, Camellia had done a Q&A on his Twitter page as a thread which includes many of the questions the community has asked about him. The following list contains all his answers!

What made you start composing?

One of my old old friends asked me to write a song as his theme song, and I was like “ok” [without] any knowledge.

How long have you been writing [music]?

20 years? Including the earliest stage, which [was] just completely random shoot.

What DAW (digital audio workstation, or music studio)/Notation software do you use?

For DAW I’ve been using only Reaper, for sheet music MuseScore (they are incredible).

What are your composing strengths/weaknesses?

Chaotic-ness?? It can get so intense with a ton of stuff in a good way - or sometimes bad way.

What genre do you favor writing the most?

Metal!! 🤘 Actually every genre.

What genre do you favour writing the least?

None, since there’s always space to play around.

At what point do you consider a song “finished?”

At some point, when I start listening it back like 5 times and feeling there’s nothing it’s necessarily done.

Do you have a “signature” voice?

Actually, I don’t think I have one.

Are there any pieces of music you wanna write at the moment?

A TON, wish there’s more time to spare or spend on the personal projects.

Do you have any music that you consistently reference?

None, it varies too much usually.

What are your favourite/go-to musical instruments/devices?

If it includes instruments, double bass recently.

Do you have a favourite compositional technique?

“Tutti-mute”; it’s my made-up word tho, but when everyone goes crazy and then suddenly mute everything except fills / a few parts.


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