Implementing a CMS

Written by papertek on Dec 25th, 2023.

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What is a CMS?

Well, let’s put it this way. It makes things easier for everyone, especially normal users. CMS stands for Content Management System. Pretty cool, right? The site now has a nice editor for markdown (or rich text), so people can write new entries quickly and easily. You can try it now by clicking “Edit this Page!” at the top right!

"Edit this Page!" Button

Hope you have fun using this new feature. It took a while to get it right, but it’s here!

It’s still recommended to use markdown, as that’s the base for every post on this site. But if you want to learn about Rich Text, please refer to other posts before doing so. If you’re going to read into what CMS this site uses, check it out here. This news post is the first post using this new editor! It’s enjoyable to use.


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