
Written by papertek .

Welcome to the Camellia Wiki

This is the About page for the Camellia Wiki, where we will tell you about stuff. Wiki Stuff. Cool right?

This Wiki is designed with modularity in mind, as with every other Wiki out there. I tried to keep things simple so the average user could contribute and write documents themselves and know where things go. Most information about contributing and our guidelines can be found in the Contributing article.

Any further questions? Speak to us in the Wiki Channel in the Discord!

The Goal

This Wiki aims to document as much as we can when it comes to Camellia-related content, such as albums, collaborations, groups, aliases, and more. This Wiki is still very new; things may not seem as organized as a traditional wiki, but we hope our contributors can bring the site up to par with design, accessibility, navigation, and information.

We are doing a pretty good job making document writing more effortless, as we have an editor for people to try out!

Why not use MediaWiki, Fandom, or anything similar?

At first, this website used to be a school project. I was approached one day by someone saying, “There should be an official Camellia Wiki,” and I thought, dang, that’s a cool idea! I quickly converted the school project site into the Camellia Wiki.

At this point, I didn’t want to consider other options because I wanted to keep things simple and original. There’s also the whole Fandom controversy, so I tried to avoid Fandom altogether. There’s a video about it here in case you’re interested.

The wiki has been through a lot these past months and is still being worked on for improvement. You can see the design process below.

Original School Project

Redesign 1

Redesign 2

Redesign 3 (Latest)

Yeah, this is still the same codebase.

Who runs this?

Pretty much the programmers of the Camellia Discord staff team and our occasional contributors, including me. You can view all active contributors here.

I, papertek, am the lead of this project. Am I good at it? Not sure! But things have been smooth so far… Our group of contributors has done a great job keeping this project in a good state, including providing a custom domain! (thanks, Matt).

Yeah, the Wiki is still relatively new, and there are some bugs and limitations.

What’s the point?

To put it simply and bluntly, coolness. Doing this is fun and has been a learning experience for me personally, and I’m all up for it. If you would like to contribute some articles or code, we are not stopping you :).

Visit the GitHub!


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